Ägräs Distillery

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Copenhagen Distillery visits Ägräs Distillery

Spirikum, the world’s first festival for snaps and akvavit makers and enthusiasts took place in late August in Copenhagen at Copenhagen Distillery (who also organised the event). We got an invitation, packed our bags and flew over. Apart from meeting up with producers around the world our master distiller Tomi Purhonen got to host a master class about how we make our akvavit. Exciting times. We also had a tour in Copenhagen and got to experience a wild food festival on the following day, foraging away in the bushes of Copenhagen. A weekend almost too good to be true.

Anyway, Tomi touched base with Copenhagen Distillery’s Sune and Lasse at the event. The discussion evolved into a lengthy email conversation about distilling and the tools used and before we knew it, they had booked their tickets to Finland.

Yesterday Fred picked up the power group from the airport and drove them to Fiskars. Sune and Lasse got a brief tour of Fiskars Village and a thorough Ägräs Distillery tour. The day went by with a lot of contemplating, discussing, laughing, eye-rolling about distilling, herbs and bottling techniques.

Sune’s knowledge of akvavit, its history and future is breathtaking. A man who got involved with Copenhagen Distillery on one term, that he gets to create an akvavit. The man was hired, created one and a few more and has been evolving and refined the akvavit movement into a better place.

Lasse and Tomi got along talking about distilling, almost to the end that the rest of us had to visualize food for them to understand that everybody’s sugar levels are hitting an all time low in case we wouldn’t eat soon.

Retrospectively we had a great day with a lot of interesting topics. Just wanted to show a little peek into our every day life. We'll keep you posted, so keep tuning in!

//Ägräs Family